Vaison presentation 2017VOSGES RALLYES FESTIVAL 2017 : SAVE THE DATES!

The second edition gets ready.

The participants, the spectators as well as the media, unanimously praised the organization of 1st. Vosges Rallye Festival.



On Saturday evening around the finish line in La Bresse, discussions ended invariably by "see you next year ! " It was the nicest reward  for all those who invested themselves without counting to set up this unique and innovating event in France.

A second edition became inescapable and a strengthened organization crew has begun to work quickly to prepare it.

The remarks and the wishes of  participants as well as followers have been taken into account in
the 2017 specifications. Developments and adjustments are going to be brought, so that  this event  gets even more attractive. Some nice surprises are already expected. The calendar remains unchanged ; the second Vosges Rallye Festival will take place on last week-end in August .

So please save the date : August the 24-25-26th.



M3 presentation 2017


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